Where we are
St Michael’s and South Parish Church, Brooms Road, Dumfries DG1 2QF.
Charity Number SC016201
Minister: vacant charge
Session Clerk: Mrs Esther Preston
Treasurer: Mr Craig McEwen
Website stmichaels-and-south-parish-church.co.uk
Regular times of worship
There are weekly services at 11 am each Sunday. Additional services are held for the main festivals especially Christmas and Easter. Additional afternoon services are held to celebrate the Sacrament of Communion both in our own church and in Creswell Hall and Lochvale House. A short service is held once a month in The Granary, (retirement housing complex).
Our mission and ministry
The aim of St Michael’s and South Parish Church is to be a Christian witness to all age groups within its community and Parish, through teaching, preaching and pastoral care. “Let no one be a stranger here” is our ethos.
Sunday Club: Our Sunday club for children from the age of three upwards meets at 10.45am in the smaller (Men’s Club) hall. It is run be a very happy and enthusiastic group of qualified helpers. The youngsters spend a short time in church at the beginning of the service before going on to their own activities. A parent is welcome to stay with their child until they settle in.
Senior and Junior Choirs: Senior choir practice is after our Sunday morning service. Junior Choir meets on alternate Fridays at 7.30 p.m. in church. New members are welcome in either choir.
Boys Brigade, Anchor Boys: The 2nd Dumfries Boys Brigade Company meets in the church hall on Friday evenings. The different stages of the BB involves boys from 6 to 18 in a wide range of activities.
Brownies: Our active Brownie Pack meets in the church hall on Wednesday evenings and offer a wide range of activities for girls from 7 up.
Drama Group: A large and enthusiastic group of mostly girls (though boys are more than welcome) meet on Monday evenings to hone their performance skills under a qualified drama teacher.
Pastoral Care Group: The work of our Pastoral Care Group, who give their time to support the elderly and infirm by visiting them at home, has almost become a vital public service in recent years.
Darby and Joan Club: For the ‘young at heart’ who can remember further back than they wish to admit. Music, chat and a cup of tea.
Guild: Formerly for women only, men are now welcome to join the Church Guild which meets on the second Monday of each month.
Men’s Club: Tuesday evenings in the Men’s Club hall. For the men of the congregation and friends to enjoy games and a chat.
Burns Club: There will never be a Robert Burns Club so near to his resting place! Members meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. A variety of guest speakers.
Church history
St Michael’s is the oldest church in Dumfries and is known as “The Burgh Church”. It has been home to the united congregations of St Michael’s and South and Townhead since 1983 and since then has been St Michael’s and South. The present building is the third church on this site and was rebuilt between 1741 and 1746 to replace the second church which dated from circa 1500. It is thought that the earliest written records go back to about 1190 but we believe that a church of some kind has stood on this site for over 1300 years.
The present church is an “A” listed building and is renowned for its stained glass windows and connections to Robert Burns. The churchyard is also an historic listed site and has over 3000 gravestones. Apart from the elaborate Burns Mausoleum there are many noteworthy memorials, including the site of Burns original grave, Covenanters memorials and the mass grave of those who died in the cholera epidemics.
The church is open to visitors May to September 10.30 to 15.30 and visits can be arranged outwith these times.
We are lucky to have two halls adjacent to the church, our main church hall and the smaller Men’s Club hall. Both are well maintained and well used. The main hall seats 60+ and has a modern kitchen and facilities. Both halls are available to rent either on a regular basis or one-off basis. We also have a large church green which can be used for events – weather permitting.
Regrettably access to both the church and halls involves a climb up steps – not so good for the less able but there is disabled access through the churchyard from Robertvale Terrace and a ramp is available for wheelchair access to the church.