Closeburn Parish Church of Scotland

Where we are

closeburn church
Closeburn Parish Church of Scotland
Postal Address – CLOSEBURN, DG3 5HP ( OS Reference NX904923)
Charity Number – SCO 05624 (CONGREGATIONAL NO. 080436)

Location map

Interim Moderator: Reverend William M. McKenzie, MBE, D.A.
Tel 01387 253688 E-mail
Session Clerk: Mr. Jack Tait
Tel 01848 331700 E-mail
Clerk to the Board: Mrs. Janis Dick
Tel 01848 330067 E-mail:

Regular times of worship


Holy Communion is celebrated on the last Sunday in April and the first Sunday in November. On the first Sunday each month refreshments are provided after the Service to allow a time of fellowship.

Mission, Ministry and Social ActionCloseburn pulpit

The aim of Closeburn Parish Church is to be a Christian witness to all age groups within our community and Parish. We aim to provide Pastoral care suited to an individual’s needs, fellowship alongside teaching and preaching the good news of God’s love in Jesus and a welcoming environment for all.

We try to enter into relationships with our Community to encourage knowing and celebrating of our Lord.

Church and Community Activities

The Guild hold their meetings within the Church on the 4th Monday of each month from October to March, (inclusive).

The local primary school use the Church for services and concerts throughout the year.

The congregation encourage the use of the Church for other activities and as a result a local singing group, “The Nithsdale Singers” hold concerts to raise funds for local Charities.

The local Gala Committee also attend a service at the start of Gala Week where a service to celebrate the Gala and Community is held along with the formal crowning of the Gala Queen.

We strive to increase this sort of activity.

Church’s HistoryInside Closeburn church

The ancient name for Closeburn was Kylosbern which is thought to derive from the Latin Cella Osborni, meaning the Cell or Chapel of Osborn.

The present Parish of Closeburn takes in the old parishes of Kylosbern and Dalgarno, united in 1606 by the Church of Scotland General Assembly.

The present Church opened for worship in 1878 and is considered to be one of the most impressive of the 26 Churches designed by the Architect James Barbour.

Drawing of Closeburn churchIt is constructed of red sandstone from Newton Quarry, east of Thornhill. The Church is fortunate to be blessed with a number of spectacular stained glass windows, each as spectacular as its neighbour.

Music in the Church emanates from the great Henry Willis organ which was installed by the parishioners of Closeburn. It was extensively renovated in 1997 and again in 2006.

The best way to appreciate this spectacular building is to come along and visit it.